

Friend no more

Friend no more
we met on a distant shore
long before

I knew you-
how important you'd be
as you washed upon me like the sea
a tidal wave of ecstasy

I knew you- 
as the hours passed 
and our shared interests became vast, 
like the depths of the sea:

I didn't know-
what conversation would be our last.
Friend no more-
I fear the distance a bridge cannot cross
and from that I feel lost
without a way home.

Friend no more-
I've forgotten my pride
and swallowed my last bitter sigh
We- we never got to say goodbye, 
Friend no more.

Friend no more-
you fill me with such disdain
because I've waited in vain
while you've again
rejected my apology.

Friend no more-
you've passed through a door 
and locked me on the outside
to discover that this friend-
have come to an end,
Friend no more. 




Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss things; small minds discuss people
-Eleanor Roosevelt  



I know I've been neglectful, it's just I've been posting more often on my tumblr, and my life has been sort of exciting for awhile now. I had a fun time at home visiting my friends and family, and it was really sweet and exactly what i was waiting for in a sense. Yet, now I'm back in Montreal getting back up on my unsteady feet and taking on the world with a new world view and a greater sense of confidence. Get at me Montreal! I've been job hunting recently which has no prospects at the moment, but I've been working on my French and my self. It's me time. 

Well, that's the update, and well yeah. Shit is gonna get real. 

Going to clean and collage and french today, V.