

Now i know, why you acted the way you did. I know why you hid behind all this ambiguity, and these lies, and these facades. i don't want to put words in your mouth or feelings in your heart: but you could've told me i was just a rebound, you could've told me you still had feelings for her.

Because now, the way you were with me, i am with everyone. I can't give anyone a straight answer on my feelings. I want to be fine, and be done. But i'm not: I'm strung out, and hung up, and this blog has become a ballad to you, and i hate myself for letting it get to this and you might even be reading my pathetic nature... every word of it.

I don't want relationships, i want to hide from my feelings: because they keep leading back to you. I HATE IT.
I guess gravity was a good choice for hepcat. goddamn it.

I hope you at least love her, so i don't feel like such a dope.