

What I wouldn't give to look like this: fabulous and elegant and refined and beautiful of the most acute kind:

An Education: of the world, of so many things begins with a book or a movie, and mine has begun here: in England, in the 60s in the glitz and glamour of a naive school girl who plays the cello and a suave playboy who has a secret life on the quiet suburban streets. I feel a parallel to Jenny: in university exciting the fear outside of my mind: aspiring to inspire others, through my writing and my teaching. I'm weary of the world, and of love--there's no doubt that i've been jilted and jaded in that department *coughcoughmyurl.* But honestly, I'm looking for so much excitement, bouncing back and forth between the academic and the luxurious and the fanciful, and the enriching, and i'm losing my ground quite quickly. I've been losing myself in all this bustle: I mean I act like myself and all my eccentric habits and wild fantasies, but the writer in me, the muse, the inspiration, the want of connection to another has rendered me somewhat alone to trek this delicate and fairly dangerous path: the one that Jenny had walked. And I admit, I take in most of the same pleasures that she does here at McGill: but alright, I admit I'm not as classily dressed and made up, but "I feel old, but not wise"

But i'm learning, and i'm getting there.

But can we please oogle some more over how beautiful Rosamund and Carrie look in this movie. My god, they are pleasing to look at, I would spend all my stolen money on them too. And kudos to Carrie's new role in The Great Gatsby opposite Leo, I'm sure that will be amazing, and i'll get to oogle over her some more <3

Oogiling and finding my feet, V.