

I don't even know where to start. Well usually most people like to start on the low point and move higher so let's talk about what a fail the beginning of my summer was health wise:
1. lice: usually transmitted by the little dirt monkeys of the world (if you are not familiar with my vernacular... dirt monkeys=children in elementary school) yet as a 17 year old i got it for the first, and hopefully last time... knock on wood, obviously... So that happened to me a while ago. As of now I'm officially lice-free and ecstatic. While infected i had to wrap my head in mayonnaise, among other disgusting treatments. So, lesson of the day... you don't want lice.

2. black eye: while playing the innocent of field hockey... i got smashed in the face (while still lice infected) which is why i was in the hospital. I had to get a catscan and everything to make sure nothing was broken. Here's the progression of my eye:
day 1:

day 2:

day 3:

day 4:

day 5:

and then it got a lot better, so i stopped taking pictures of it. salt water does wonders in conjunction with time.

and since that's the bad... and only the bad, I'm going to post the two separately. mainly to talk about the HARRY POTTER THEME PARK.

trying desperately to organize my thoughts,
valerie. xoxo.