I've literally slept for the last day, with momentary wake-ups in between for food. And it felt glorious.
I love to sleep. Sleep is infinitely better than reality, especially when that reality is a stuffy broken nose and a scratchy throat.
Why dream land owns:
i didn't have to get an I.V. in dreamland
nor was i groggy from amnesia, which i have to say, isn't as fun as everyone said it was going to be.
I get to be with whomever i please, for however long
and in reality, i have to drive about 45 minutes away this morning to get fitted for a new nose cast... You and I both see which option is better, correct?
And, good news! again, like when it was broken in the first place, my face doesn't show it: no bruising, under the eye or anywhere, and no swelling. YAY.
Getting a cast soon, Valerie.