

forget shards of glass, i'm going back to this one, it's just renewed for summer. so don't pay attention to the other one. i thought it was a good idea but i don't need 4875934573945 blogs. copy and pasted from the other blog:

FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010
this has been boring
probably beacause it isn't summer yet.

i hope my parents sign me up for that creative writing class.

i hope i get the solo in concert choir.

i hope prom is flawless

i hope i get 5's on my APs

i hope i get 800s on my SAT IIs

i hope this is all over soon, so the fun can begin.


so the list continues.
Yes, i have made a list of things i want to accomplish this summer besides opening my literary mind to the great horizon. so here's the general list
1. work my ass off (get $)
2. read my reading list
3. finish nero & nadia
4. make a valerie original garment
5. creative writing course
6. field hockey.
7. oh and all my college app stuff.

wish me luck in about a month. when it will actually be summer, soonish.

TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010
eet. by regina spektor = <3

the end.

SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
It seems as though all of my blogs up until now have been utter failures, but you can't expect an impulsive and inconsistent teen to be constantly blogging, besides the blog was stained with a fallen friendship. But I'm starting anew on may 2nd, 2010, with the renewed friendship, although this won't be worth reading until APs and SATs and ACTs and Regents are over, studying, yeah i actually so that. Since i'm only working this summer to concrete my college dreams, i have a reading list that i'll be pounding through, and i'll be sharing with you. I expect to read in the mornings, and write in the afternoons, so i'll share my adventures with Nero and Nadia on my other blog, while here we'll explore better and more publicly accepted writers here. So, this is just the beginning, but i thought i'd start it now, because the shards of glass stuck in my finger hurts like a bitch, and the fact that i've spent the majority of my weekend marveling in Barnes and Noble, or as i lovingly call it B&N.

So to my imaginary fan base, somewhere out there if you stumble upon this, i hope you're in for the ride of this summer as much as i am, well. An APUSH essays waiting for me.

Lots of love,