

SO, i realize that my self-proclaimed anti-drug video was completely random and unprecedented, but as a self-proclaimed straight-edge, i hate to see youth in shambles, as it is in these videos. No one deserves to be an addict.

I'll update about my life later, i have to work.


public service announcement.



"What will I do if there's someone there with you
Maybe someone you've always known
How do I know I can come and give to you
Love with no warning and find you alone"

Feist and Ben Gibbard give me hope.

Oh, BTW, not my photography, sorry about that, i just kind of find it beautiful. My photography will again be on this blog because I'm getting a new camera :) A sony cyber-shot, I know it's epic.

So i've realized a few things in the last few hours.
A. that my blog lately has been more of a string of subconcious thoughts then a post about anything relavent to life.
B. i have nothing "relevant" to write about. I was searching through "blogs of note" because i want to write something that people want to read, not the senseless ramblings about a teenage girl.

I few things stuck out in my mind; the four things that seem to be most important in my summer schedule besides work and field hockey: movies, books, fashion, and music. and obviously some pop culture, and then i thought so is every other teenage girl, especially a so-called "eccentric" and "trendy" one like myself.

Trendy playlist of the week:
Train Song-Ben Gibbard & Feist
The Compromise-The Format
Not Your Lover-Blitzen Trapper
That's All-Absent Elk
The Police and the Private-Metric

P.S. there's an acoustic music fest on Friday at my school and me and my friend Vivian are preforming one of my favorite sonfs of all time: The Ocean by the Bravery. I'm SO psyched. I'll totally post about it on Friday night/ Saturday afternoon-- maybe not i have graduation parties up the ***.

Congrats all,



To me, today, it's officially summer. i finished my hardest final today, my ap calc bc final, and it was a slap to the face, but i'd prefer not to talk about it.
So I said i'd discuss books i read over the summer and the first i've finished is perks of being a wallflower. I finished it on sunday at work, and later that night i felt infinite. You're probably thinking : "Wow, Valerie, you probably were looking for that feeling after you read about it"
The truth is, when i was driving fast with my best friend Nicola in the summer night air, hollering in blind excitement and listening to the radio, i felt like i could live like that forever. I felt the way teenagers should feel: free and ready for anything, which i've never felt. Always cautious and good, i never was ready for what the future held, but now i think i am.
I'm not saying I'm not looking forward to college, because that would be a lie. I'm just scared for what fate has in store, which is completely separate from hard work and dedication. Fate can suck, i just hope that's not the card i draw.

So, i could probably write a whole ton more for perks, but frankly right now i don't feel like it. Maybe later i will.

xoxo, Valerie.