

To me, today, it's officially summer. i finished my hardest final today, my ap calc bc final, and it was a slap to the face, but i'd prefer not to talk about it.
So I said i'd discuss books i read over the summer and the first i've finished is perks of being a wallflower. I finished it on sunday at work, and later that night i felt infinite. You're probably thinking : "Wow, Valerie, you probably were looking for that feeling after you read about it"
The truth is, when i was driving fast with my best friend Nicola in the summer night air, hollering in blind excitement and listening to the radio, i felt like i could live like that forever. I felt the way teenagers should feel: free and ready for anything, which i've never felt. Always cautious and good, i never was ready for what the future held, but now i think i am.
I'm not saying I'm not looking forward to college, because that would be a lie. I'm just scared for what fate has in store, which is completely separate from hard work and dedication. Fate can suck, i just hope that's not the card i draw.

So, i could probably write a whole ton more for perks, but frankly right now i don't feel like it. Maybe later i will.

xoxo, Valerie.