

there's something therapeutic about your favorite movie. I don't know what it is... but every time i watch pride and prejudice Elizabeth Bennett has something new to teach me, some new tidbit of information pertinent to my life. The movie never changes, and the audience never changes--usually myself, vivian, a box of tissues, and some brownies, but everything else is different. I feel that the only proof that I"m maturing and changing is when I view Lizzie in that two hour slice of her life and mine. We meet once again, and i cry and she finds true love, and I am evermore giddy at the end, every time. I think to prove it's always different, is the fact that I always cry at a different part in the movie. Either, the beginning because of previous circumstances, the middle because of it's beauty and delicacy (how one can feel love through the touch of a hand) or that famous walk through the field. I know I may, and very well do sound corny, and every word i say in this post is dripping with romance and hope, but it's the way a favorite movie effects me, you, all of us. In my case, I'm a mess of mushy goodness on the floor, but Lizzie always does me justice.
I'm saying this not because it is my present state, but because once again Lizzie and I will meet in the middle of the field and on the top of the mountain, her strife the same, but mine always different. Sooner, rather than later.

I'll be having a lot more time, you know, to blog and talk and read, and watch Lizzie, because of my broken nose. Yes, you read right, broken nose. Field hockey is such a safe sport, isn't it. Or is it just me that's too fragile, ah. i know not.

Homework, rain, and pjs, Valerie.

P.S. if you haven't read or seen Pride and Prejudice, i strongly recommend it... and buy the soundtrack, it's beautiful.

P.S.S. and I'm obsessed : listen.



I'm such a trendmonster, i mean i don't mean to blow my own horn here, but i try really hard to look good. Everyday [i remember], while putting my looks on chictopia... :)

and sometimes i'll add my thoughts on random things too.



miso for happiness?

i haven't posted in awhile... but now i am, and i apologize for the lull. People around me will tell you that my response to everything has been "not a big deal" or "shit happens"... well because life is too short to make stupid things that happen dictate you're life, or consume your attention. Not many things are a big deal and i've learned that while growing up. Ever since i was younger i would worry and consume myself with things that happened or could happen. So much, i've learned, is living for the hear and now. Just love, and laugh, as corny and ridiculous that sounds. In the last days of my fleeting summer were dancing to funky music with a random burst of emotion, simple but magical kisses in the dead of night, and knowing there's a best friend on the other end of the telephone who loves you, have been moments that i relive even now. This realization, just that you can't plan life--it just happens, has pretty much loosened the tightly wound mess that was valerie all through highschool.

"Who says I can't be free
From all of the things that I used to be
Rewrite my history
Who says I can't be free"

In the early night air, listening to battle studies and april uprising... all i want to know is raw and simple, life.

so much is pointless, the "big deal" is bliss... and i'm getting there, valerie.