

there's something therapeutic about your favorite movie. I don't know what it is... but every time i watch pride and prejudice Elizabeth Bennett has something new to teach me, some new tidbit of information pertinent to my life. The movie never changes, and the audience never changes--usually myself, vivian, a box of tissues, and some brownies, but everything else is different. I feel that the only proof that I"m maturing and changing is when I view Lizzie in that two hour slice of her life and mine. We meet once again, and i cry and she finds true love, and I am evermore giddy at the end, every time. I think to prove it's always different, is the fact that I always cry at a different part in the movie. Either, the beginning because of previous circumstances, the middle because of it's beauty and delicacy (how one can feel love through the touch of a hand) or that famous walk through the field. I know I may, and very well do sound corny, and every word i say in this post is dripping with romance and hope, but it's the way a favorite movie effects me, you, all of us. In my case, I'm a mess of mushy goodness on the floor, but Lizzie always does me justice.
I'm saying this not because it is my present state, but because once again Lizzie and I will meet in the middle of the field and on the top of the mountain, her strife the same, but mine always different. Sooner, rather than later.

I'll be having a lot more time, you know, to blog and talk and read, and watch Lizzie, because of my broken nose. Yes, you read right, broken nose. Field hockey is such a safe sport, isn't it. Or is it just me that's too fragile, ah. i know not.

Homework, rain, and pjs, Valerie.

P.S. if you haven't read or seen Pride and Prejudice, i strongly recommend it... and buy the soundtrack, it's beautiful.

P.S.S. and I'm obsessed : listen.