

This is me: sitting in the library listening to John Butler Trio, trying to

get my homework done for the week and trying not to loose my sanity. It's been a hectic week, as my editor said so lightly... it hasn't just been a hectic week. It's been an insane week. They told me that university life (ergo work) would creep up on me. But foolishly, I didn't believe them: and now it has. More than that--it's becoming reasoning to have an anxiety attack

. But working in the library probably wasn't a good idea when i was the most hungover I've probably been in my life. I need more coffee, and maybe a 3 hour nap. But i have a pretty extensive list of homework, work which for some reason I can't finish at my home @ Solin <3 because it's home and there's so much more shit to do there, you know?

My first Leacock's piece will be up soon: Yay! I have 2 coming up. Keep a look out, kiddies, this girl's a journalist now. ;)

I have to say, even though i'm in college and my world is changing more than i can believe, the thing i miss most is being able to just call my best friend and have her pick me up, and sitting in her car at steamboat and talking about the world. I'm growing up, without my past life and it's scary. I'm independent but I feel that I might be losing myself in this crazy mess of lights and parties, and homework, and fun. I mean i've already gone past my own limitations to try to find connections with people. I have best friends here, and i've built bridges and formed connections but I'm not a girl that just has physical fun and sleeps around... I want to form a physical connection that lasts... and maybe next time he won't have a girlfriend .____. Fail.

So as of now, in this new college life I'm just going with the flow, and hopefully I'll get caught on the right rock and form a real connection. We'll see. Won't we?

Keep you posted, more than i have been ;) And the photo rendition of my day is coming. Probably Monday,

Love always, Valerie.