

This is all about honesty, how I honestly feel and what I'm honestly going to do about it. I'm lonely and I'm depressed: probably because I'm alone, I miss my family, and I feel like a disappointment to everyone around me but I'm absolutely too lazy to change it. I feel alone in this city because even though I know people, I don't know enough people. I want to be more, to be loved, to be held. Most of my experiences of note here have been under some sort of influence where it's pretty much completely shallow and crazy and ridiculous. I miss quiet nights where people get intimate, they see the universe in the depths of each others eyes, they bond over stories, over similarities, they whisper and giggle and fall into a place of mutual respect adoration and understanding. I miss cuddling with my best friend watching scary movies, and I miss falling in love with everyone around me, because I don't know any better. Tomorrow's another day, my darling, and proactive it will be. I will no longer be a disappointing daughter, student, or friend. and I will be a great lover to whoever gives me that chance, not that there's very many people that give me that chance. 

I miss my life, without my codependence I am a depressed mess. 
I need saving, and I need someone who will allow themselves become a crutch to a helpless mess of a girl. 

Sorry to be spilling my misery, but as everyone knows, misery loves its company, V.