

i've approached a moment of clarity. I realize that over the last few days i've been teleporting from bitchy to silent to depressed in about a millesecond each and it kind of sucks to be around me. to the people that have dealt with it: thank you. It really isn't my emotional standing of choice. After i got through the whole vacation fiasco, that would really spare me so i'm not going to talk about it- i reached a moment of clarity, in which i felt inspired to do something productive. Productivity i've lacked in the last week by fueling my inevitable boredom with movies and mindless television in conjunction with stalking on facebook. Today, though i'm going to grasp this new found motivation in both hands and do something- i know that's amazing. i want to get a haircut, clean out my room, write a novel, climb a mountain, go the mall, repair my room, reinvent myself TODAY. i want to get something done, to show the world, that NO i am not feeling sorry for myself today, and it doesn't matter than my sucky summer is holding me down. this free time will not be wasted. i will change myself and make self-sufficient memories. Independent and self serving.

Mark my words, Valerie.