
thirty six.

bitches and hoes. i just got back from work. let me just say as a disclaimer, that no matter how good having money is, working a job is WORSE. My jobs are the trifecta of my "happiness". toll booth torture mixed with a lil dirt monkey lovin' 4 nights a week. I have to say though, i'd love to write about the customers i get at my job from the cheap decal jobs on their cars to the cheap tattoo jobs on their skin. To the bitchy ghetto cats. Their characters i suppose. If they're worthy of USA they're worthy of my time. Because i watch USA like a bad habit. My moms giving Melissa( my moms friend) and I a kickboxing class. I'm saying a hell yeah! Hmmm in other news... drivers ed has been absolutely delectable. Besides the early wake-up, movies like "Red Asphalt V" really get me going. They fly my kite high in the sky. I finished Winesburg, Ohio today at work. I guess that was my goal for today, and i achieved. I succeeded and reached my goal. I'm going to start volunteering at the V.A. pretty soon with Ash-Attack. That makes me happy about life. Old people >.< Old war veteran people. I should be jumping for joy, shouldn't I? I don't really have that urge. Besides, my mom will be making me jump (idk if it's for joy) in about a half hour. I'm about to get changed into the normal everyday garb: sport bra, tank, shorts. Yum. I know this may gross you out, but i have a confession to make. I don't shave as much any more. For the record I'm usually a woolly mammoth, and i feel pretty gosh darn liberated.
Tonight i'll either be rockin' it at Ben's humble abode or spicing my life up at the St. Augustine's Fair.
You can't expect too much of me, ya know?

Later Haters, Valerie.

P.S. Visit me at work tomorrow anyone?