

Sorry, for being depressed in my last post. I find that sometimes my feelings and "irrationality" get the best of me.

This is the most wonderful time of the year, when the leaves are changing and everything is dying in the most poetic manner, because in the same sense everything is beginning. And this season, l'automne, features a holiday in the back of everyone's minds. The New Years of October, there's a certain magic in the air the night of Halloween. Perhaps, because everyone is in disguise, people act on their impulses more easily. Maybe, because on a frightful night full of mystery, everything comes alive and is amplified. This sunday, I plan to in full swing address and surround myself with the magic of autumn. I believe in natural magic and myth and beauty, and Halloween represents all three.

And, you're hands are cold. I need that. The song has been playing on repeat, and i feel as though it is the perfect soundtrack to my life... especially on a fog ridden day like this one.

These pictures are what this is about...

obsessed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv-Z8YCo5W4

watch. the movie. listen. the song. read. the book. love. the story.

"She turns it all out but the fact remains that all we do is talk about the future, like there’s some way to control it,
why not just enjoy the ride?" Valerie.