

Hola, avid readers! 
I am procrastinating writing a very needed essay. yes, indeed, that is a picture of me looking like a tool. So as for updates, this weekend has been very good. which is odd i guess. No matter.

Friday I went to battle of the bands: to support Vivi (the chic in the picture with the bass owning n00bs), of course. She owned in both of the bands she played bass in. Right now I'm going to do a little endorsing. If you think that's gross you can shove it. (CHECK OUT PURPLE VINYL. they own *thumbs up*) Anyway, i got to hang out with all of the buds which was own-age in a can. and it was me and my boyfriends 3 month anniversary. cheers! 

Saturday I went to work. as usual. The kids were being brats but i cheerfully grinned at them as they strained through each worksheet.
it went a little something like this:
"Good job! Next page now. Focus, you want to finish don't you?"
"I don't want to do it at all. i don't want to do it. why do i have to?"
"You have to do it because learning is important and will help you later in life."
*blank stares* "You just have to do it alright? and the faster you get it done, the sooner you'll leave... now on to the next page"
"But i don't wanna!" 
"You have to do the work."
Now, my preferred response would be something along the lines of... "Okay. Okay. You don't want to do it? FINE. be my guest. I hope you fail all of your classes, you little punk. You're parents pay for this so you have to do it. You think i wanna be here? I don't want to teach little brats how to count and write their names. Especially ones that don't listen to me" But since in my dream world i can rejoice in their tears, and in reality that would get me fired, my actual response was:
 A sweet grin, "Will you please finish your work." And if they continued a sturdy: "Focus" Even though they probably have no idea what that means. Pfft. 
Then i went over Zach's house and we watched "Repo! The Genetic Opera" AWESOME MOVIE. watch it (there i go, endorsing again) whatever. So that was fun. We laughed, i asked a lot of questions, and i cried (hey! it was a depressing movie) and then we watched some smosh videos and looked at some saved pics on his comp from.... (correct me if I'm wrong)... 4chan? Anywhoooo i left and then went out to the dinner with the rents, i've been hanging out with them in alarming frequency. We went to this chill little place and the food was marvelous! The cheese fondue had a lot of alcohol in it and i found an empty dime-bag in the bathroom which was ridiculously entertaining. I was simply and exponentially amused. XD 

So then today I sat around and did nothing. 

So...... More updates I assume? 
My aunt is fairing well, i hear she is awake and went through the surgery. The rest of my family i can't say the same for. 

Other than that things have been good. Grand really.

Keeping things light & easy, in this post, V.