

Tick. Tick. Tick.
Life lesson of the year: It goes on. 
Tick Tick
It doesn't care about you.
Tick Tick
It doesn't stop
Tick Tick
Counting Down
Tick Tick 
Never get a moment back.
Even now as I'm writing this blog I'm thinking "wow, is this REALLY what i should be doing" and the answer, although it is no, is sort of irrelevant. My mom always rambles "you are where you're supposed to be" i guess its a comfort for her. So apparently I'm supposed to be sitting on my couch, procrastinating homework and anticipating the arrivals of my grandparents and excited for the prospect of the weekend and the night. Sickly coughing at approximately 3:09pm, Friday February twenty-seventh. Comfort i guess is what I'm feeling. You know how people say to put a ticking clock next to a new dog at night so it thinks its a heart, pulsing through the night? Well, its eerie that a heart beats like a clock ticks. Each heartbeat is a concept of time, each we will never get back and counts down to our death. Our heartbeat is a sort-of biological clock, ticking, the reminder of time and how inevitable it is.
Tick tick, V. 

P.S. Spring is coming, I can feel it.