

Dear college gods,

the waiting game is detrimental for an impatient girl like myself. Yes, I understand it takes time and effort to mull through the applications, and to get the real sense of me. And i know that "snail" mail is in fact, indicative of its name, yet I can't help but grow anxious as we come closer to that january 1 notification deadline--you only have 11 days left, and i sent my application more than 11 days before the deadline, so can't you show that same respect? You are the first college i applied to, and the first one i hear back from, and i'd like to have a sheer piece of hope that i won't be destitute next august/september when the fall term starts.

If you really want to know the true me, cut through all that common app bullshit:
I'm Valerie.
I visit the thesaurus frequently.
I have an uncanny calling to Paris, France.
My favorite subject is English, because I feel closer to people, and pride myself in understanding human nature, in an author's terms.
And I have more faith in fictional characters than most forms in flesh and blood, and follow their advice more closely than friends.
I curse A LOT, and i think that vulgarity is a part of language that cuts to the core of human vivacity and raw emotion.
I'm a love-sick puppy. all the time. I believe in love at first sight, true love's kiss, all that jazz.
I find that learning languages is the deepest respect for another's culture, and throughout my life want to show people that I have the courtesy to communicate with them on their terms.
I have an open-mind, to me nothing's weird. ever.
Winter > Summer. always.
I make mistakes, a ton of them, and if you're willing to forgive me, hitch me a ride on your bandwagon for a great 4 years.

Grant my wishes-even if you don't live in a lamp,

P.S. and if you accept me, rest assured I will: