

As you may, or may not know, after the boughs of lice and black eyes, and utter failures my week got exponentially greater, kind of like the positive side of a parabola. Shooting forward, on Friday my dream came true, or at least my eleven year old self was pacified—I finally made it to Hogwarts… in Universal Islands of Adventure that is. doesn't change that i waited up for my letter for three days in a row on my 11th birthday. :)

Tara, one of my closest friends and I, scooted through the park with high hopes, and almost everything was appeased. Our first stops were of course the magical & magnificent rides, on which sadly I couldn’t take pictures.
There was the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which was mainly, for all intensive purposes, was a highly entertaining mash-up of all that is HP in 3D roller coaster style (very similar to the Spiderman ride on marvel island). Inside Hogwarts, the roller coaster starts in the Great Hall, and many decorations of the castle are well represented, but you can discover those on your own. The entrance to this ride is featured above.
A hippogriff rollercoaster, built to pacify yougins and their easily-nauseated parents was a chill ride, and before our ride Tara and I made sure to show our respect in the art of a deep bow, how one must always approach the “proud creature”. Needless to say, the comparatively wimpy ride was only experienced once.

The last of the rollercoaster attractions was at one point the Fire and Ice dragons, if you have been to universal recently. With a newly acquired Harry Potter theme, they have fashioned the recognizable roller coaster into the second test of the tri-wizard cup by calling the former fire dragon a “Chinese fireball” and the water a “Hungarian horntail.” The entrance is even decorated accordingly: every detail is perfect. On the way to the tent (where the queue line is), there are posters commemorating each Triwizard champion, except, surprisingly, Cederic who owes his life to the competition.

other staples of the harry potter world are recreated as seen here:
Hagrid’s hut: where Hermione discusses the term “mud blood” in the first movie, and where ever after the trio find solace.

The Weasley’s infamous car: I don’t really thinks it needs much more of an introduction.

And that was only the rides, the attractions abound in Hogsmead really sealed the deal of wonderment.

Honeyduke’s: the sweet shop we all hold dearly in our hearts… or at least I do. I purchased some bertibott’s every flavor beans and a chocolate frog, complete with wizard card.

Zonko’s wasn’t nearly as great as I expected it to be, but hey how much un-charmed stuff can muggles really understand… or be allowed to buy for that matter? They did have an assortment of funny hats through; kind of reminded me of that rejected short, but we didn’t’ beat anyone, I promise ;).

Ollivander’s. Wow. It was set up as an attraction where 25 people shove into the cooler of a room after an hr long wait, and one person gets to find their wand. I’m just saying, you should go when the crowds die down a little bit… it will still be magical. And yes… I know you’re thinking it; I was picked to find my wand… or rather have the wand find me. It’s 5½ inches of willow with a unicorn hair core. I bought it, obviously. So go, I will not ruin the novelty of your experience

The Three Broomsticks: Yes! We ate lunch in the three broomsticks complete with butterbeers, so scumdidlyumptious. I won’t ruin that flavor for you either. The menu is rather traditional, and not at all vegetarian or vegan friendly… but hey what do you expect from a theme park? It was still wonderful. Sadly we didn’t eat in Hogshead, because it was rather crowded and a shrew of a lady kept barking at me for some reason or another. Nevermind that, still amazing!
Also featured is the Hogsmead train station, with train in station… grand.

SO for today, I fear that is all I can say about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, while allowing to let you see it for yourself…. I suggest you go.

I solemnly swear I am up to no good,