

I'm so fucking sick of shit. If my "friends" are going to make me feel like shit and attack every aspect of what i say, i don't think i should have
A. valued them as friends in the first place
or B. given them the benefit of the doubt that they can judge me

If all they have to judge my intelligence on is my use of abbreviations, they obviously don't have enough people skills/ enough encounters to gauge one's intelligence.
Enough is enough. Fuck them all, if they don't have what i like to say then they don't deserve to listen. Over it. Done.
Even if one of them is my best friend, her boyfriend is a fucking arrogant asshole that i never want apart of. Chicks before dicks.

If i am going to get abused, i'd rather have been lonely all along.

How i never wished i went to the movies,

" I am now evinced of the inexorable dejection within an unspeakable's nature, and i wish to cull it from my life."

How about them apples. bitches.