

Howdy, i've decided another random installment to this blog from time to time is "me vocabulary" a list of vocabulary i have to use per week, just so my vocabulary improves. Also points for people telling me they found it in my blog, or if i use it without noticing.
Words found in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley for the week of 7/19/10--7/25
• Satiate—to gratify desire/glut someone
• Fortitude--determination
• Dejection—great unhappiness (technical: defecation or excrement)
• Capacious—able to hold out
• Dauntless—unaccustomed to fear
• Inexorable—unstoppable (adamant {set in opinion} and pitiless)
• Solicitude—expressed concern/ something causing concern
• Capitulated—surrender/consent/yield
• Benevolence—kind/charitable
• Gnash—grind teeth
• Culled—remove someone or something as worthless {natural selection}, to select something or someone, or to remove an animal from its herd.
• Evinced—show clearly/reveal
• Paroxysm—sudden outburst of emotion/of symptom
• Fastidious—demanding, easily disgusted
• Intonations—pitch of voice/intoning/accuracy of pitch. The beginning of a Gregorian chant
• Ameliorate--improve
• Rankling—cause bitter feelings
• Penury—poverty
• Reverential—respectful/ deserving of respect
• Caprice—impulsive tendency/sudden change or action
• Vehement—done with conviction/forcefully

So yeah....

random ear-fly.... yeah i really do get bored at work, can't you tell?

bookworming it?