

Cupcakes make me happy (:
this news, however does not:
So, my friends, and fellow bloggers, your adored blogger, Valerie, (also known affectionately as VALUHREE) has made herself out to be an idiot. By misusing grammar in an email to her highly regarded english teacher. NBD, or at least i'm not admitting so. Not Yet.

Slightly more prevalent is the awesomeness that is inception. Mind=Blown.

Well I apologize for my slightly shortened post this evening, but i'm so sleep deprived that i can't think straight, trust me i just tried to have a cohesive conversation with my father and best friend.



P.S. Oh wow, i completely forgot: i started and finished a book today, Diary by my favorite Chuck Palahniuk. He sort of is like the really raw and twisted voice in the back of everyones head... the same place the lice like to lay their eggs.
So as a tribute to Mr. Palahniuk here are some of my favorite quotes from the book plus me taking a picture with the beat down library version.
"Inspiration needs disease, injury, madness" (Palahniuk 65).
"Everything you do shows your hand" (137).
"The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will" (198).

I will use these quotes later, they kind of are inspiring but dreadful at the same time, like a heart wrenching movie where the protagonist dies, dies heroically and still inspired others. (SPOILER!) Like Owen Meany.

So this is more of a thought entry, I have a book review to post from Valerie's summer reading list (Diary) and a new Me Vocab list, yeah i do. I won't be doing any reflections on summer reading books for school because 1. i don't want to spoil it, and 2. i'll have to do many more reflections later on, anyway.

So now that we are on about P.S.S.S.S.S. or something of the like, i'd just like to point out the character of old things, i like them so much. I'd rather get used books off amazon, or go to the library because someone else held those pages in their hands and felt the same thing, like some how everyone is connected because we read the same version of the same book. And because of this connection, it bridges somemany gaps between time and space and generations. Which is what Palahniuk usually writes about, immortality and the connections between human beings. Makes sense i'm reading a library book, doesn't it then?

But i'll write more about Diary later. I think i'll read invisible monsters if It's kind of a funny story doesn't come in.

Reading List: handwritten in Pretty COLORED PENS!
(yes i realize it's backwards)