
12-For Kevin.

Kevin thought my blog was a tad too much on the downbeat, but then again i was in a funk.

So besides the fact that we have a snow-day (first time i wanted school...) and that my fingers are all greasy from my mom's home-made eggs Benedict. (Yum?)  I'm radiantly happy. Superb, i guess you can say. No more... pity party. I'm in for the ride-of life! Like that pink spiders song, on my blog: I just want to enjoy the ride.

In its climbs, falls, loops, and turns- I am a huge fan of roller-coasters.... 

Wow i use a lot of dashes. XD 

So, my plans for today happen to be at this point:
1. make bed (i do that every morning)
2. get dressed
3. read some of NINETEEN MINUTES- best book ever ( see lower posts) 
4. Go to Tara's for Rachel's Birthday. YAY! 

So, as it seems i have a full day ahead of me. humph, but a good full day. i love being preoccupied. :D 
But i really wish my global midterm was today... oh well.

Everything happens for a reason, V.