
6- Inauguration


From now on, I'm going to go title-less in my blogs. I think it leaves the content a tad ambiguous, and draws the reader in. Ha! Maybe when i write a book it won't have a title, or any information, but then no one would bother reading it. Just the limitation and symbolism of titles is so repressing. If there's no title it can be boundless. That sort of book would only attract the curious persons. 
"Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile i was a suspect" (Steven Wright)
Great quote. but on to my real purpose... as some of you abundant audience (sarcasm FTW) might know, i went to the presidential inauguration with a leadership conference... PYIC. 
It was an unbelievable experience that I would never trade. OMG. it was powerful, you know. the crowd's emotions were overwhelming even though i was stationed all the way back at the Washington Memorial. People were so kind, it was general love from human to human; that was beautiful. The speakers were also wonderfully inspiring. They had faith in our young generation which is hard to come by.

During the conference i wrote a journal entry: 
"January 19, 
Today was pretty awesome. It is my second night of the inaugural conference and it wasn't nearly as hectic as the first. What really stood out to me was the inspiration and passion of the speakers that we saw. They had so much love for young people and so much hope for the world and the future. Not to sound corny, but i learned a lot about being a leader today, to enthuse and inspire my peers. The speech by Archbishop Desmond Tutu was beautiful; his loving belief and confidence-boosting words. Also, he spoke of God. I've never been a religious individual, but i guess i have to admit i do believe in a higher power, someone keeping a scorecard. I was so proud to be part of this conference- to immerse myself in these wonderful activities among these grand people. It killed the ignorance perceived by the world about Americans- more specifically the American youth. I heard my dreams come alive and by supported by the encouragement to travel the world and inspire others. That IS what i want to do. When i entered the conference a year or so ago (NYLSC) I actually didn't believe myself to be a leader or possess the characteristics of a leader, but that i was just picked by a teacher because i had good grades. But i want to lead, i want to support and love and inspire and encourage and listen and accomplish and succeed. I want my life to have meaning. But, my vision being unclear made me a little nervous- very nervous actually. Yet, i wanted to experience before i choose. I don't know what i want. I'm so uncertain..." 

So i have some pictures I will post as well from the conference. 
It was unbelievable. 




The Washington Memorial



