

Watching The Perfect Man and reading quotes from movies I've seen and lived by,  i realized i've been shaped and impacted by a cinematographic world. The latest art form has become my most current lullaby, my sound relief that there can be perfection, and sanity, and honesty in this chaotic mess of a world. And it's all created by hollywood. But those writers, directors: They had dreams, they had messages they wanted the world to see, if it was only merely for an hour and the half. So i don't care what anyone says; movies are someone's reality. Even if the pessimists swear its fake. Humans are humans are humans. Yearn, learn, love, seek, want, need. That's all movies portray, in somewhat of a sound atmosphere but who doesn't want a little chaos, eh? 

I know i want some chaos.  

Shake things up, V.