


Schedules, routines. I just heard my mom sigh, walking up the stairs about what she has to do. I can't imagine being so confined, so defined by all these timing schedules and responsibilities. I don't want to spend my life worrying, stressing, or sighing; for that matter (with the occasional laugh of course)

"She said if this is the nightlife, I'd rather stay in
You call this a good time, I just call it a trip
If this is as good as it gets then I'm packing up my shit and I'm gone" 

If it doesn't get much better than the rudimentary, boring, schedule and routine, of school and work, study and reward, well then, I'm not in for so pleasant of a ride. 
I've never WANTED to live by the rules. they stress me out to much. for once i'd like to stretch out my arms and not think about my next test, my next due date, the next book i have to read. fuck it all, all that infrastructure. give me a field on a sunny day, give me a beach any day. Give me the world, but then doesn't everyone want the world? and we still haven't found a way to share it. 
I want my place in it, even if i have to circumnavigate it with a pocket knife and a nickel. I want to see EVERYTHING in the world. and I'm gonna do it, just you wait! :D 

And did you notice the global word right there? thats my lame attempt at studying. I love global, don't get me wrong, but WHEN will we need this? (never, unless we become a global teacher or a historian) fat chance. 

But alas, snow is expected, so maybe the midterm will be another thing in the future, another scheduled event. 

And if that does happen, expect a bright and early post, for a lad named Kevin by a rather peppy blogger.