
3- New Years


So i was cleaning and i just happened to find these poems in the pocket of my jacket:

Time may be dying,
but you my dear are flying
one of the stars, as bright,
shine through on the darkest night.
Although the glow is constant
and you're vibrant shine's in sight,
only some appreciate your light.
Put it forth, as you already do,
never burn out, but if you do,
I'l be here to catch you,
fallen star.

Love from Love
Hate from Hate
Pain from Pain
and back again.
Time is ours
the stars are bright
even on this dreary night
clouds are temporary,
rain is fleeting
but time with you,
like my heart,
is constantly beating.

Now, i don't know if it was by chance i found these, or maybe a deeper purpose, we'll see with the days to come. Break's almost over :( But it's 2009! Happy New Year everyone! I mean i love the whole idea of starting afresh, it's beautiful. I realize in those poems i sort of had an obsession with stars, but i always have. They're mysterious and luminous and they make you believe there's something more out there. AH! listen to me.  It's that wistful thinking again. Ew? I think so!