

Wow, this is the third try for a fifteenth post. But hey, I'm over it. I'm not freezing anymore: Here it goes, fool! 

Saturday mornings. The festivity of the previous night taking its wear, the expectations of the rest of the weekend and the slow monotony of mornings where everyone is fast asleep, is practically my life at this moment.I must say though, in Saturday's defense, that it is a mighty crowd pleaser. I have to go to work and get ready.  I happen to be sitting, aching and waiting to venture off to work and then later to do something "fun" i guess. i still haven't found people to go to Equus with yet. That might prove to be a problem.
I still have no place to go yet, but I'm feeling the Anti-social vibe in going to dinner with the parental units. 
Taking a leaf out of Vivian's book, I'm drinking tea, and blogging, as shown in the above picture taken with good old photo booth. 
Before i rant about how much i hate the albums upon albums of photo booth pictures on facebook. I'd like to admit I drank tea because work is FREEZING. like cold to the max. Burr. 

So, with the photo booth pictures, it drives me insane! It's like, put one picture from the album up, not the 50 or so pictures that look exactly the same. News flash! Playing with the effects on your mac does NOT make you look cool. 

But aside from that, I am extremely happy. It actually seems as though we are seeing Equus tomorrow. Yippee! 

Now it be later. Much l8ter, and i have to call my grandma and tell her all about the inauguration and how i can't go to lunch tomorrow. Because I'm seeing Equus! 

Another facebook thing, what's with the current fad with the whole, let me have baby pictures of me. It's not cute. 

Watch Movies is being a jerk. 

So I'm upset. And going to read.

Nerdy nerdy, V.